About Well Within Collective
Water wells have served a significant purpose to society and our individual wellbeing. Wells are structures that have been created through digging, drilling, and driving a hole into the earth to access groundwater. This is a natural source of water that can then be used for drinking, domestic needs, irrigation, or industrial work. The ability to access internal resources has been detrimental to not only surviving but thriving.
Through your experience here at Well Within Collective, we hope to guide your transformation into a walking well. Mirroring a water well, we walk alongside our clients through the digging, drilling, and driving to get through the roots that keep you entangled, the dirt that keeps you feeling shameful, the rocks that keep you from healing, the earthworms that keep you distracted, and the toxic chemicals that highlight your imperfections.
We do the hard work with you to uncover your internal resources that the world so desperately needs. As you gain a deep sense of Self you can experience a soundness in mind and body. At your fullness, others are able to draw upon your resources needed to survive, thrive, and collectively be a contribution to society. When you are well within, you become a well within.
You are
a garden spring,
a well
of flowing water...