Couples Therapy
Couples Therapy is usually known for intimate partnerships; however this can be a great option for any duo wanting to work on a shared concerned such as siblings, parent/child, friends, or co-parents. Our providers can help with the following:
Life transitions
New school
Having a baby
Launching children
Conflict Resolution
Pre-Marital Counseling
Relationship Enrichment
Listed are some of the approaches that are used in therapy with couples. This is not all inclusive and our therapists integrate several approaches to create a customize experience for you.
Intimacy From the Inside Out (IFIO)
IFIO is primarily the integration of IFS in a relational setting. IFIO focuses on helping individuals pull out internal resources in the safety and collaboration of their partner. Couples are guided to increase and maintain connection within themselves as they navigate the relational aspects with each other.
Restoration Therapy
RT guides the client into understanding experienced violations that lead to forming destructive patterns. As clients become more aware of destructive patterns and where they come from, clients are then empowered to make more informed decisions about future responses.
Prepare and Enrich
The P/E Assessment is a customized assessment that couples use to gain insight to prepare for or enrich their marriage. The assessment captures various areas within the relationship such as parenting, finances, conflict, communication, personality, family and friends and more. The assessment is then reflected in a report that highlight strengths to celebrate and growth areas for a clear focus on setting goals to work toward. The P/E assessment is a great option for early intervention.